Two papers on resilience in aging were recently published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), Vol. 71, No. 8, August 2023. Resilience is a rapidly growing area of geriatric research that seeks to identify the physical, psychological, and social capacities necessary to enable older adults to maintain or regain health, well-being, and functionality in the face of clinical and other stressors.

The first publication, led by Peter M. Abadir MD and coauthored by colleagues Drs. Ravi Varadhan and Karen Bandeen-Roche and a national team of Geriatric program leaders, is entitled ‘An overview of the resilience world: Proceedings of the American Geriatrics Society and National Institute on Aging State of Resilience Science Conference.’ It outlines the findings of a recent NIA sponsored national meeting, and provides a nationally developed roadmap for the future of resiliency research in older adults.

The second publication, led by Jeremy Walston, MD and co-authored by a wide range of Hopkins colleagues from across the Schools of Medicine and Public Health outlines the framework and implementation of a major NIA funded study on Resilience in Older adults.  The article, “A Study of Physical Resilience and Aging (SPRING): Conceptual Framework, Rationale, and Study Design,”, was highlighted as an “Editor’s Choice” article, indicating its significance to the field.
