Patricia M. Davidson

Patricia M. Davidson, PHD, MED, RN

Committee Members



Dean and Professor Patricia Davidson has been a registered nurse since 1980 and has clinical, teaching, and practice expertise in cardiovascular science and the care of vulnerable populations. Across her career, she has been committed to developing innovative models of person-centered care delivery and evidence-based teaching. Dr. Davidson is secretary general of the Secretariat of the World Health Organizations Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery, counsel general of the International Council on Women’s Health Issues, a member of Sigma Theta Tau International’s Institute for Global Healthcare Leadership Advisory Board, and a board member of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. She also serves on the Board on Health Care Services for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. She has co-authored over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles and 29 book chapters. Her H -Index is 40 (Scopus) and 58 in Google Scholar, and Dr. Davidson’s i-10 Index is 329. She has been the adviser for over 40 doctoral and 15 postdoctoral candidates. She is deeply committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and workforce development and interdisciplinary practice. Dr. Davidson is strongly focused on mentoring the next generation of health professionals and scientists, and in 2016 she earned the Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Outstanding Mentor of Young Researchers, the most prestigious research mentorship award in Australia. She is associate editor of the International Journal of Nursing Studies and on the editorial boards of a number of other journals, including the European Journal of Cardiovascular NursingJournal of Cardiovascular Nursing, and Heart Lung and Circulation.